About institute camps

Institute camps are catered for youth and adults aged 15 years and up who are looking to meet other like-minded youth to contribute to a community building process in their local area. At the institute camps, participants have conversations about real issues facing society, and build their capacity to facilitate programs for the spiritual education/empowerment of children (aged 6-11) or junior youth (aged 12-15) in their neighbourhood, and/or to assist other young people to also walk this path of service to the community. The training material, developed by the Ruhi Institute, is a sequence of courses designed to build capacity in individuals to both strive for personal excellence and serve their communities.

The courses are carried out in a participatory manner, in which all involved can contribute to group discussion and advance their understanding together, as each individual is responsible for their own learning.

In addition to the group study of the Ruhi Institute materials, the participants engage in morning and evening prayer/ meditation, daily recreational activities, and activities during which they can put into practice what they are learning in the courses. The courses themselves employ the use of music and arts, and so the camp environment is also highly creative.

Our experience shows that the spiritual, intellectual and practical capacity building that the participants undergo in these camp spaces will assist them in many other aspects of their lives, such as their academic studies, work, family life and friendships. For young people especially, service is an essential part of an individual’s preparation for the life ahead of them.

Individuals benefit the most from the camp space when they come as part of a group from their neighbourhood/ locality, together with a local tutor. We encourage you to consult with the facilitators of the training institute in your area, and to register for the camp as a group where possible. Young people who have reached the age of fifteen while participating in the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program are encouraged to consult with their animator about plans for the group to transition to the main sequence of courses, and how these camps could be a part of that process.


Upcoming camps

Please contact the camp coordinator in your local community.